What The Bible Says To The Believer/Handbook-Blk

by Anchor
SKU: 123140
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This book includes 11 great chapters unveiling to you what God's Word says directly to the believer - new or old! It is for "all the believers of the world who need and want a closer walk with the Lord day by day." "Think for a moment! As you walk through the next few hours, some disturbing problem,trial, or temptation will confront you. Where can you go for answers to the questions that frequently flood your mind? No matter what you experience, God wants to help you. What the Bible Says to the Believer is designed to be a lifelong resource that you keep at hand and regularly consult.This is. . . what God has to say to you as a believer." The chapters include topics such as: *What Happens When You Receive Christ *What Your Daily Relationship with God Should Be *What Your Relationship with Other Should Be *What Your Daily Behavior Must Be *What God Expects of You *What You Must Do to Overcome Temptation and Sin *What You Must Do to Rise Above Trials and Suffering *What Your Duty Is to the Church *What You Should Know and Do in Light of Christ's Return *What Your Future Holds as a Believer - Your Death and Rewards *What You Need Day by Day - God's Promises and Guidance Contents: 1. What Happens When You Receive Christ 2. What Your Daily Relationship With God Should Be 3. What Your Relationship With Others Should Be 4. What Your Day Behavior Must Be 5. What God Expects Of You 6. What You Must Do To Overcome Temptation And Sin 7. What You Must Do To Rise Above Trials And Suffering 8. What Your Duty Is To The Church 9. What You Should Know And Do In Light Of Christ's Return 10. What Your Future Holds As A Believer - Your Death And Rewards 11. What You Need Day By Day - God's Promises And Guidance Subject Index Scripture Index Acknowledgments