Awards & Endorsements

NestFamily is proud to produce and distribute products that have been recognized by the Emmy© Awards, Parenting Magazine, The Parent's Choice Foundation and the National Educational Media Network, among others.
NestFamily films and Resource Books have received the coveted "Award of Excellence" from the Film Advisory Board, which has recognized excellence in family entertainment since 1975.
The Animated Hero Classics© series has received the Director's Choice Award from Early Childhood News, recognizing the best products for children in a classroom setting.
Titles from The Animated Stories from the New Testament© series have been endorsed by KIDS FIRST!©, a program that evaluates media for children ages infant to 18. Submitted titles are reviewed by volunteer Jurors nationwide - comprised of more than 3,000 children and 300 child development specialists, child media specialists, librarians, teachers and other professionals.
NestFamily films and Resource Books have received the highest rating from Practical Homeschooling.
NestFamily products have received the prestigious Dove Seal of Approval and are recommended family entertainment by the Dove Foundation.
We have received a humbling amount of stories, endorsements and testimonials from our customers. Here is what some are saying:
"I generally do not advocate learning through audio-visual . . . due to the over-emphasis of sports, entertainment, sex, and violence. In the case of The Animated Stories from the New Testament© series, I will make an exception because of the uplifting nature and exceptional quality that characterizes these video lessons. They are produced in a fashion that will captivate the imagination and attention of even the most rambunctious child, and even adult viewers will find them interesting and accurate."
Benjamin S. Carson, M.D.
Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital
"The NestFamily video series passed the toughest test in our house -- the test of our kids! My three daughters love it. We love to watch a tape as a family just before bedtime. The NestFamily videos are a great tool for family devotionals."
Max Lucado
Author & Pastor
"I think it's so vital for families. There are so many kids now - we're looking for options to keep them out of the streets, off of drugs, out of gangs, and they need options. This is such a great option for a family."
Anthony Meyers
Children's Pastor, The Potter's House
"I'm a parent of four children and I want them to learn the principles, values, and morals that will help them develop into mature, responsible individuals. NestFamily has seen the desperate need for quality family entertainment and has answered the cry of thousands of parents."
Debby Boone
Performing Artist and Author
"The Animated Stories from the New Testament© is the best video teaching tool in the world today; teaching Biblical stories and values, with no departure from true Scriptural basis."
Jeff Burnsed, Ph.D.
Coral Ridge Baptist Church
"As a Christian Educator, I am very careful about what I show to the children. Not only are these videos Biblically accurate, but also they tell the stories in such a way that extra "fluff" isn't needed. I would recommend this series without hesitation."
Dannette Forbes
Director of Christian Education
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church
"I just thought I would write to tell you that these videos are by far the best videos I have used in my 30 years of teaching. The students are absolutely enthralled with them. I used the Harriet Tubman video in honor of Harriet Tubman Day, and the results were excellent. There was absolutely not one sound during the entire video, and when I turned it off, my students were sitting in complete silence with a few hands up. They had a number of excellent questions, and the video really stimulated their curiosity to learn more about Harriet Tubman."
Ken Anderson
Third Grade Teacher
"I am always looking for tools that will make our families stronger and healthier. The Animated Stories from the New Testament® video series will give the entire family an opportunity to enjoy quality entertainment that your whole family will want to see again and again."
Sandi Patti
Gospel Music Artist
"The Animated Stories from the New Testament® videos exhibit an excellent visual quality; they are faithful to the Gospel stories found in the Bible, and do not exploit violence or sensationalism. We have used them during Summer Sunday School and have been highly pleased."
Nancy Nowlin
St. Michael and All Angels Church

NestFamily is proud to produce and distribute products that have been recognized by the Emmy© Awards, Parenting Magazine, The Parent's Choice Foundation and the National Educational Media Network, among others.
NestFamily films and Resource Books have received the coveted "Award of Excellence" from the Film Advisory Board, which has recognized excellence in family entertainment since 1975.
The Animated Hero Classics© series has received the Director's Choice Award from Early Childhood News, recognizing the best products for children in a classroom setting.
Titles from The Animated Stories from the New Testament© series have been endorsed by KIDS FIRST!©, a program that evaluates media for children ages infant to 18. Submitted titles are reviewed by volunteer Jurors nationwide - comprised of more than 3,000 children and 300 child development specialists, child media specialists, librarians, teachers and other professionals.
NestFamily films and Resource Books have received the highest rating from Practical Homeschooling.
NestFamily products have received the prestigious Dove Seal of Approval and are recommended family entertainment by the Dove Foundation.
We have received a humbling amount of stories, endorsements and testimonials from our customers. Here is what some are saying:
"I generally do not advocate learning through audio-visual . . . due to the over-emphasis of sports, entertainment, sex, and violence. In the case of The Animated Stories from the New Testament© series, I will make an exception because of the uplifting nature and exceptional quality that characterizes these video lessons. They are produced in a fashion that will captivate the imagination and attention of even the most rambunctious child, and even adult viewers will find them interesting and accurate."
Benjamin S. Carson, M.D.
Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital
"The NestFamily video series passed the toughest test in our house -- the test of our kids! My three daughters love it. We love to watch a tape as a family just before bedtime. The NestFamily videos are a great tool for family devotionals."
Max Lucado
Author & Pastor
"I think it's so vital for families. There are so many kids now - we're looking for options to keep them out of the streets, off of drugs, out of gangs, and they need options. This is such a great option for a family."
Anthony Meyers
Children's Pastor, The Potter's House
"I'm a parent of four children and I want them to learn the principles, values, and morals that will help them develop into mature, responsible individuals. NestFamily has seen the desperate need for quality family entertainment and has answered the cry of thousands of parents."
Debby Boone
Performing Artist and Author
"The Animated Stories from the New Testament© is the best video teaching tool in the world today; teaching Biblical stories and values, with no departure from true Scriptural basis."
Jeff Burnsed, Ph.D.
Coral Ridge Baptist Church
"As a Christian Educator, I am very careful about what I show to the children. Not only are these videos Biblically accurate, but also they tell the stories in such a way that extra "fluff" isn't needed. I would recommend this series without hesitation."
Dannette Forbes
Director of Christian Education
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church
"I just thought I would write to tell you that these videos are by far the best videos I have used in my 30 years of teaching. The students are absolutely enthralled with them. I used the Harriet Tubman video in honor of Harriet Tubman Day, and the results were excellent. There was absolutely not one sound during the entire video, and when I turned it off, my students were sitting in complete silence with a few hands up. They had a number of excellent questions, and the video really stimulated their curiosity to learn more about Harriet Tubman."
Ken Anderson
Third Grade Teacher
"I am always looking for tools that will make our families stronger and healthier. The Animated Stories from the New Testament® video series will give the entire family an opportunity to enjoy quality entertainment that your whole family will want to see again and again."
Sandi Patti
Gospel Music Artist
"The Animated Stories from the New Testament® videos exhibit an excellent visual quality; they are faithful to the Gospel stories found in the Bible, and do not exploit violence or sensationalism. We have used them during Summer Sunday School and have been highly pleased."
Nancy Nowlin
St. Michael and All Angels Church