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New Leaf Press

The Cave Book

The Cave Book

Regular price $17.99 USD
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The Cave Book will teach you about:A creationary model of how caves form A history of how caves have beenused by humans for shelter and worshipHow old caves really are How to make a stone axe and about early tools Just how long it really takes for cave formations to form Unusual animals that make caves theirhomeExamples of how connected caves are to mythology of many culturesThe Climate and geologic processes and features of caves and karst rocks The process by which ice caves formExploration, hazards, andrecord-setting cavesHow caves form, and features about and below the surfaceFilled with beautiful and fascinating color photos of caves from around the world.The Cave Book is wonderful guide to this hiddenworld of wonders. Enjoy learning on your journey of exploration intothese exciting and mysterious places underground! 8 å_ x 11 ‰ۢ Casebound‰ۢ 80 pages

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