Sylvan Workbook-Math Games (Grade 1)

by Anchor
SKU: 990352
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A solid foundation of basic math skills is essential for early success in math. Children who can connect their understanding of math to the world around them will be ready for the challenges of mathematics as they advance to more complex topics. The games and puzzles in this workbook are designed to help children enjoy practicing their math skills. Best of all, they’ll have lots of fun doing it! Here’s a peek at what’s inside:

Criss Cross
Crossword puzzles provide practice in spelling out numbers from one to twenty.

Safe Crackers
Children write numbers from smallest to largest or identify place-value digits to find the right combination for the safe.

Cool Kaleidoscope
Coloring the rest of a kaleidoscope from a partially colored one gives children practice in symmetry.

Time Travel
Adding an hour, or two and a half hours, is what children need to find their way from clock to clock to finish the game.

Game Pieces
The workbook includes spinners, dominoes, tangram pieces, pattern blocks, and clock hands for children to cut out and use with the games and puzzles.

Give your child’s confidence in math a boost with 1st Grade Math Games & Puzzles.