Span-NTV Life Recovery Bible-Softcover (Biblia Renacer)

by Anchor
SKU: 096996
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La Biblia Renacer NTV es un recurso esencial para cualquier persona que necesita una oportunidad para volver a empezar y desea acercarse a Dios a trav?s del camino de la recuperaci?n. Tambi?n es una excelente herramienta para consejeros, pastores, familiares y amigos que desean acompa?ar a alguien en el proceso de recuperaci?n, en camino a los brazos de Jes?s.La Biblia Renacer incorpora tres planes de lecturas devocionales, usando los Doce Pasos de la Recuperaci?n, los principios de la recuperaci?n y la Oraci?n de la Serenidad para ayudar a las personas a encontrar la verdadera fuente de la sanaci?n y la paz: Jesucristo mismo.Cuenta con notas de estudio, perfiles biogr?ficos, una introducci?n a cada libro de la Biblia, una referencia de vers?culos por tema, un ?ndice de los temas de la recuperaci?n y una p?gina de presentaci?n. Todos estos elementos han sido actualizados para la versi?n NTV, que tambi?n luce un dise?o fresco.The Biblia Renacer NTV [The Life Recovery Bible] is an essential resource for anyone who needs a new chance to start over and wants to get closer to God through recovery. It is also an excellent tool for counselors, pastors, relatives, and friends who want to walk alongside someone in recovery, toward the loving arms of Jesus.The Biblia Renacer incorporates three devotionals, based on the Twelve Steps, the Recovery Principles, and the Serenity Prayer, to help people find the true source of restoration and peace: Jesus Christ himself.This Bible has updated study notes, character profiles, an introduction to each book of the Bible, a topical verse finder, devotional indexes, a Recovery Reflections index, and a presentation page. All of these elements have been updated for the NTV edition, which also has a fresh design.The NTV is an authoritative Bible translation uniquely and faithfully rendered into today?s Spanish from the ancient texts by more than 50 leading Bible scholars. Its scholarship and clarity breathe life into the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages. That?s why we call it ?La verdad con claridad? (The Truth Made Clear).