NTV Holy Bible Seed Edition (Santa Biblia E-Spanish

by Anchor
SKU: 194560
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La Santa Biblia NTV, Edici?n semilla fue desarrollada espec?ficamente para promover el conocimiento y crecimiento espiritual del lector. Ofrece una gran variedad de art?culos que presentan las creencias b?sicas de la fe cristiana y, siendo una Biblia econ?mica, ?es ideal para distribuir o regalar!Caracter?sticas:C?mo conocer personalmente a Jes?sEnse?anzas fundamentales sobre Dios Padre, Jesucristo y el Esp?ritu SantoGrandes relatos de la BibliaPasajes de ?nimo e instrucci?nPlanes de lecturaThe Santa Biblia NTV, Edici?n semilla [Holy Bible NTV, Seed Edition] was developed specifically to promote understanding and spiritual growth in its readers. This Bible offers a variety of articles that present the foundational beliefs of the Christian faith. This, in combination with its economical price, makes it ideal to distribute to groups or give as a gift!Features:How to Know Jesus PersonallyFoundational teachings about God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy SpiritGreat Stories of the BiblePassages for Encouragement and InstructionReading plans