Fish Out Of Water
So you're ready for the next chapter in your life...Well, if you are a Christian heading to campus for the first time, there are several things you need to know about living your faith while surrounded by atheistic professors. Abby Nye has written a fantastic guide for college students who find their faith and values under assault from Day 1. Learn just what to expect, and how to navigate through classes while maintaining a good GPA and a positive college experience. Abby prepares new freshman (and even seasoned students!) to be able to survive and thrive in this often hostile setting. Among the topics she cover: *Freshman orientation week *The treatment of science and faith in the classroom *Difficult professors and real life solutions *The many forms of liberal "indoctrination" *Helpful campus groups and managing peer pressure This book is truly must reading for students embarking for any college---a valuable handbook for parents, teachers, and student alike. Contents: 1. Welcome Week 2. Behind Closed Doors 3. We Will Not Tolerate Intolerance 4. Fear Factor 5. Responding To Tolerance 6. Pick Your Battles 7. The Party Scene 8. Posters And Pin-Ups 9. Survive And Thrive