Cancer, Faith, And Unexpected Joy

by Anchor
SKU: 15888X
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A memoir equipping readers to face death from a Christian perspective
\I\'ve taught you how to live; now I want to teach you how to die. You don\'t have to be afraid.\
When Becky Baudouin\'s mother spoke those words to her, they weren\'t said lightly. Her mother had just been told she had an inoperable tumor and there was no hope for a longer life. There was, however, assurance of everlasting life to come.
In Cancer, Faith, and Unexpected Joy Baudouin shares her insights on fear, loss, and grief. These honest insights are applicable to everyone\'s story, not just her own--and extend real comfort to every reader. Questions for personal reflection or group discussion help both those who are losing a loved one and those who are facing death, and her story reveals that God is the only source for a spirit\'s true healing.
For anyone living with the tension of wanting to hold on yet needing to let go, Cancer, Faith, and Unexpected Joy demonstrates a powerful and profound love.