LIFEPAC Eighth Grade History & Geography Set

by AOP
SKU: HIS0815

LIFEPAC 8th Grade History & Geography is a captivating course about AmericaÕs story! Historical unit topics include: Europe Comes to America, The American Revolution, A Growing Nation, Gilded Age to Progressive Era, and Cold War America.Colorful illustrations and review exercises enhance comprehension as student's follow AmericaÕs growth by studying: the Westward Expansion, slavery and Civil War, the Industrial Revolution, and AmericaÕs important role in todayÕs world American colonization and development, along with AmericaÕs emergence as an international power are also covered in this self-paced course. The LIFEPAC 8th Grade History & Geography Set contains ten separate worktexts and a teacherÕs guide that may be purchased individually.Need a payment plan? Call us at 1-800-634-4298!