Horizons-Preschool Complete Multimedia Set

by Anchor
SKU: 684544
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Perfectly complimenting the Preschool Curriculum Set, the Multimedia Set contains videos, CDs, and CD-ROMs that coordinate with lesson themes. With these engaging multimedia additions, students will grow in understanding concepts and developing motor skills. Included in this must-have package are the following series and titles:

The Amazing Series (audio CDs): The Amazing Book, The Amazing Children, The Amazing Miracles
Music Machine® Series (audio CDs): The Fruit of the Spirit, All About Love, The Majesty of God
Music Machine Series (DVDs): The Music Machine, Music Machine: Benny\'s Biggest Battle
Bullfrogs and Butterflies™ Series (audio CDs): I\'ve Been Born Again, God Is Great, God Loves Fun, God Is My Friend
Agapeland Adventures (audio CDs): Nathaniel the Grublet, Sir Oliver\'s Song, The Birthday Party, The Story of Little Tree
Character Builders Series (DVDs): Obedience & Self Control, Goodness & Faith, Honesty & Responsibility, Thankfulness & Gentleness,Sharing & Kindness, Politeness & Joy, Confidence & Love, Patience & Peace
Kingdom Under the Sea® Series (DVDs): The Return of the King, The Red Tide, The Gift
Rev-Up Series (CD-ROMs): Rev-Up for Writing, Rev-Up for Arithmetic, Rev-Up Reading
Miscellaneous (audio CD): Once Upon a Christmas