12 Old Testament Resource And Activity Books - Instant Download Digital Download

by CDI - NEST Activity Books
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Excellent for developing home school curriculum, Sunday school lessons, or for teaching the stories of the Old Testament in a small group setting, these 48-page Resource & Activity Books reinforce lessons learned from the Bible.Each of the 12 Resource & Activity Books is filled with word searches, crossword puzzles, coloring pages, sequence games, and other activities that teach your child to think creatively. Pages can be easily torn out and photocopied for Sunday school, daycare, and home school environments. (Answer keys are included). The Certificates of Achievement in the back of each Resource & Activity Book serve as an excellent award your child or student can display after completing the activities. The Bible Resource & Activity Books set includes these titles: Abraham & Isaac Daniel David & Goliath Elijah Elisha Esther Joseph in Egypt Joseph‰۪s Reunion Moses Ruth Samuel Solomon Free home school resource downloads from the Resource and Activity Book David and Goliath "Word Whirls" David and Goliath "Before and After" Ruth "Orpah and Ruth" Elijah "Mt Carmel Maze" Joseph in Egypt "Joseph's Travels"