Youth and Guns

by TMW
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The Teens At Risk series deals with powerful and relevant issues facing teenagers today. This series reveals first-hand how young people deal with and overcome the very real challenges encountered as part of their growing up. Guns at Home: The number of kids in America who live in homes where they have access to handguns is enormous. According to recent survey data, roughly 43% of American households with children have guns in them, and more than 1.2 million elementary school students alone have access to firearms in their homes. In all households with guns, 28% of them do not always keep their gun(s) locked and in a secure location where they cannot be accessed by children, and only 25% o gun-owners with children in the house "occasionally" lock and store bullets in a separate location from the gun. Guns in School: While Americans may be starting to become desensitized to school violence, the problem of guns in school persists and schools continue to be a very dangerous place for kids in America.