Real Life Teens Guns at School - How Safe Do Teens Feel?
Gun violence is a growing problem among teens in America. One of the most frightening trends over the last several years has been the rise of gun-related violence at school. A number of reasons have been cited for the emergence of this disturbing phenomenon. Some of these include the widespread availability of guns, escalating levels of violence in video games and media violence and rising levels of teen alienation and rage. This program discusses the causes of violence in schools, gun control and ultimately asks the question ‰ÛÏdo students feel safe at school?‰۝ Teens discuss the following subjects and give their thoughts on - How safe they feel at school? How easy is it for a student to bring a gun into school? How do they feel about guns at school? Have they ever been exposed to guns? What should a student do if they know someone is planning on carrying a gun or weapon into school? Are they influenced by media violence? Should teachers be armed? An ideal thought provocaing program, that provides an unbiased and realistic look from the perspective of teens, at the issue of gun violence. Featuring young teenagers telling their real stories, in their own words. It offers unprecedented access into the hidden teen world that‰۪s insightful, fascinating and provocative. Told from the perspective of teens, this program confronts the trauma and drama of coping and surviving in today‰۪s often confusing world.