Daily Planet Goes to Australia: Under the Surface

by Cerebellum
SKU: GH4529

Under the Surface‰ۢ With over 35,000 kilometers of coastline, surfing is easily a national Australian pastime. ‰ۢ Find out how scientists are taking advantage of the sun's rays to improve Australian energy sources. ‰ۢ Whale watching is growing in popularity each year. But with increased boat traffic in the ocean, especially for viewing the migration of the humpback whales to Antarctica, these mammals are now competing for space in the ocean waters. ‰ۢ Daily Planet takes on misconceptions about one of Australia's most iconic animals - the dingo. ‰ۢ Delve deep below the North Australian waters to get better acquainted with a deadly creature lurking below the surface. ‰ۢ Australia's southern coast is home to one of the country's busiest fishing ports. As with many other coastal fishing ports, the stock of fish is often threatened or depleted.