Venture Academy Lecture Series: Volume One An Entrepreneurial Vision

by CDI - Commissioned Films

This DVD includes four lectures that lay a Biblical foundation for living an entrepreneurial life that is pleasing to God and consistent with Biblical commands of stewardship, creativity and fruitfulness. Whether an employee or an entrepreneur, an executive or part of a family business, what God says through His word about work is an important foundation for living a life that is pleasing to God. The disc also includes the Success Formula and Building a Business from Start to Finish to provide practical step-by-step frameworks for building and managing a God-honoring business. Each DVD includes downloadable PDFs of each lectureÕs Powerpoint presentation for more in-depth study. Rigorous in its academic excellence, and invigorating in its Christian worldview, the Venture Academy Lecture Series is an extraordinary tool for aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs alike.