Teaching Systems Algebra Super Pack

by Cerebellum
SKU: GH4040

Titles included in this series: Foundations of AlgebraFunctionsAlgebra MechanicsLinear Equations Linear Equalities Polynomials & Factoring Quadratic Equations The Standard Deviants Teaching Systems are simply the most effective method for students to learn and for teachers to teach. This educational programming is optimized for classroom use. Each module is a topic-based video accompanied with a digital workbook that uses a humorous and unique style and approach to difficult concepts with the learner‰۪s perspective in mind. Each video contains ‰ÛÏFull Public Performance Rights‰۝ and a digital workbook which includes teacher‰۪s guides, classroom notes, quizzes, games, and graphic organizers. The subject matter correlates directly to state standards and is produced and designed by the Cerebellum Academic Team of professional scriptwriters, students, professors, actors, comedians, and teachers.