Smoother Journey, A

by New Leaf Press
SKU: NL12675
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Biblical advice for Fulfilling Relationships Most folks going on any kind of trip plan well in advance. They do all the necessary things to make sure their travels come off without a hitch. But there is one journey so many neglect to plan for: The journey of life. The pathway to healthy friendships. Simon Schrock has accumulated a lifetime's worth of practical and profound advice grounded in God's Word, sharing this "roadmap for the trip" in A Smoother Journey. Schrock points out plain lessons for those wrestling with matters of conscience ("stop stealing!"), friends cultivating right relationships ("Johnathan and David had a beautiful relationship") and every situation in between. Schrock explains in brilliant clarity what our Heavenly Father expects from us in our daily walk. The lessons are there if the reader cares to apply them. After reading this book, you'll have no doubt as to the smoother path for life's journey.