Palace for the Antichrist, A

by New Leaf Press
SKU: NL13337
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For centuries, the wind whipped and the sand swirled around a crumbling city in the Middle East. Babylon itself, so prominent in the ancient world, was thought by many to be an uninhabited haunt for the spirits of wickedness and debauchery. Indeed, the Bible speaks of judgment for "Mystery Babylon" but that has not yet happened! God's wrath against this place of evil is yet future. A Palace for the AntichriståÊhas been carved out of years of study and a personal visit to Babylon by the noted Bible researcher Dr. Joseph Chambers. Invited just before the Gulf War, Chambers made good use of his hosts' openness and documented the rebuilding of the city of Babylon by none other that the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. The result is nothing less that a literal witnessing of major Bible prophecy being fulfilled. The text and photographs in this remarkable book prove conclusively that God watches every detail, whether man is aware of it or not.