History of the World (Teacher Guide)

by New Leaf Press
SKU: NL40710
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Teacher Guide for the 36-week, 10th-12th grade history elective course! The vital resource for grading all assignments from the History of the World course, which includes: Instructional guidance and worksheets for Taking the World of Jesus and Adventures of Missionary Heroism Additional cross-curricular activities, such as map exercises and guided prayer opportunities Overview: This curriculum provides students with an in-depth look at work history through the lens of Christ's Great Commission. Students will learn how the Gospel spread throughout Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas from ancient times until the present in Taking the World for Jesus. They will also study the current state of missions around the world. Once they have received this background, they will then examine the lives of 21 courageous Christian missionaries from the 1800s in Adventures of Missionary Heroism. This text, a reprinting of a book from the early 1900s, provides inspiring stories of the hardships and sacrifices of these brave men and women. After completing this curriculum, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the Gospel's influence that has permeated countless cultures with God's grace. Discover of the history of Christianity, the contemporary state of the world missions, and the lives of historic missionaries. Students will also expand their geographical and vocabulary knowledge, critical thinking abilities, and research skills through the activities in this Teacher Guide. Features: The curriculum provides daily sessions with clear objectives, worksheets, and exams, all based on the readings form the course books.