Be The Dad She Needs You To Be-Softcover

by Anchor
SKU: 203130
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“I want to marry somebody just like  . . .” Surprise! The relationship that matters most to your daughter isn’t the one with her mother—it’s the one with you, Dad. Her self-esteem, choices, behavior, character, and even her ideas about or choice of a marriage partner are all directly tied to you, as the most important representative to her of the male species. In Be the Dad She Needs You to Be Dr. Kevin Leman, internationally acclaimed psychologist, New York Times bestselling author, and father of four daughters, will show you how to make each daughter feel unique, special, valued, and receptive to your ideas.discipline the right turkey about what guys are really thinking.keep the critical eye at bay.wave the truce flag when females turn your family room into a battleground.set your daughter up for relationship success. Whether your daughter lives with you part-time, full-time, or not at all, you can gain a warm, lifelong relationship—one based on mutual love and respect.