
testing apolo
Teaching Systems Spanish Module 5: Articles and Pronouns

Teaching Systems Spanish Module 5: Articles and Pronouns


Topics covered: Nouns, articles & gender, vocabulary, definite & indefinite articles, second-person pronouns, first person pronouns, third-...

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testing apolo
Teaching Systems Spanish Module 4: Greetings and Small Talk

Teaching Systems Spanish Module 4: Greetings and Small Talk


Topics covered: Vocabulary, greetings & goodbyes, niceties, getting to know people, question marks, and exclamation points

testing apolo
Teaching Systems Spanish Module 3: Numbers and counting

Teaching Systems Spanish Module 3: Numbers and counting


Topics covered: The numbers 1-20 and 21-100, hundreds, thousands, millions, number & gender rules, review.

testing apolo
Teaching Systems Spanish Module 2: Capitalization and accents

Teaching Systems Spanish Module 2: Capitalization and accents


Topics covered: Vocabulary, capitalization, pronouns, proper nouns, names, people s titles, book titles, written accents.

testing apolo
Teaching Systems Spanish Module 1: Alphabet / Pronunciation

Teaching Systems Spanish Module 1: Alphabet / Pronunciation


Topics covered: Vocabulary, the Spanish alphabet, pronunciation of vowels, cognates, pronunciation of tricky consonants, diphthongs, review.

testing apolo
Learning Wrap Ups Spanish

Learning Wrap Ups Spanish

Learning Wrap Up

Translated in English and Spanish, this 99-page manual is loaded with hundreds of unique ideas and activities and is guaranteed to enhance your t...

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testing apolo
LIFEPAC Spanish I CD Set

LIFEPAC Spanish I CD Set


This audio CD set contains five CDs with the audio for listening and comprehension activities found in the Lifepac Elective Spanish Workbooks. Five...

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