Span-Complete Set Of 52 Spanish Arch Books (Libros Arco) (Pkg-52)

by Anchor
SKU: 162341
The Spanish Arch Book set features 52 Bible stories in rhyme and with full-color illustrations. Titles include: The Story of Creation - Noah\'s Two-by-Two Adventure - Jacob\'s Dream, Joesph Forgives His Brothers - Tiny Baby Moses, Moses\' Dry Feet - Jericho\'s Tumbling Walls -God Provides Victory Through Gideon - The Springy,Slingy, Sling - Eljah Helps a Widow - Just in Time Esther - The Fiery Furnace - Daniel and the Roaring Lions - Moses and the Bronxe Snake - Jonah and the Very Big Fish - Where Did the World Come From? - How Enemies Became Friends - Ruth and Naomi - Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac - The Mystery of the Moving Hand - The Tower of Babel - His Name is John! - Mary\'s Christmas Story - Three Presents for Baby Jesus - The Prodigal Son - Down Through the Roof - Jesus Blesses the Children - A Meal for Many - The Parable of the Talents - The Lost Coin - The Thankful Leper - Get up, Lazarus! - Jesus Enters Jerusalem - Jesus Washes Peter\'s Feet - The Week That Let to Easter - My Happy Easter Book - Philip and the Ethiopian - Jailhouse Rock - The Parable of the Lost Sheep - Jesus Wakes the Little Girl - The Twelve Ordinadry Men - The Wise and Foolish Builders - Jesus and the Family Trip - Jesus Calms the Storm - Jesus Walks on Water - A Surprise in Disguise - Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeuus - Baby Jesus is Born - The Great Catch of Fish - The Coming of the Holy Spirit - The Wedding at Cana - Jesus, My Good Shepherd