Software-Christianity Cults & The Occult-Powerpoint
Since nearly 75% of U.S. teens have dabbled in some form of psychic activity or witchcraft (according to a recent Barna Group survey of more than 4,000 teens), your students will be open and eager to know how to face the occult when they face it in their school and neighborhood.
This 200-slide, ready-to-use PowerPoint presentation clearly contrasts Christianity and 11 movements with a wide range of occult connections:
Kabbalah Centre
EckankarTopics compared:
Origins (founders, dates, headquarters)
Key writings
Key beliefs
Occultic practices
Affiliated organizations
Symbols and photos • News and controversies
Bonus sections:
Astrology and Horoscopes
Glossary of Occult Terms
Scriptural Warnings on the Occult
Some religious groups look harmless, but the Bible says their practices can be spiritually deadly! Many people are attracted to occult groups like the Kabbalah Centre because of celebrities such as Madonna and Demi Moore. Other people don’t know what’s behind Rosicrucianism and Anthroposophy until it’s too late. Pop culture glorifies Wicca and neopaganism. Christians need clear, reliable information on these and other groups to know what’s what and who’s who.
Many American youth (73%) have engaged in at least one type of psychic or witchcraft-related activity, beyond watching a TV show or movie, or reading their horoscope.
The Barna Group reported on the most common types of occult behaviors:
Using a Ouija board and reading a book about witchcraft or Wicca - 30% of teens
Playing a game featuring sorcery or witchcraft elements - 25% of teens.
Participated in a séance- 10% of teens
Casting a spell or mixing a magic potion - approx 8% of teens
Having one\'s palm read (30%)
Having their fortune told (27%).
Visiting a medium or spiritual guide (9%).
Consulting a psychic (9%).
Is someone you know involved with an occultic group? This unique, up-to-date chart can give you the information you need to understand, to pray, and to offer help.