Chart-Palm Sunday To Easter Wall (Laminated Sheet) (19" x 26")

by Anchor
SKU: 029879
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This wall chart shows Jesus\' key teachings and the events between Palm Sunday and Easter. From the Triumphal Entry to the clearing of the Temple . . .from the Last Supper to Christ\'s agony in the Garden of Gethsemane .. From the trial in the house of Caiaphas to Jesus\' appearances before Pilate and King Herod. It covers the story of the thief crucified with Jesus, Jesus\' clothes divided by the soldiers, and the crucifixion. It continues to the Resurrection and Jesus\' appearance to the disciples on the road to Emmaus. Reproducible worksheets on the back of the chart include (1) a time line of Jesus\' hours on the cross, (2) reproducible mini map of Jerusalem at the time of Christ, and (3) a diagram of tombs from the time of Christ, including an illustration of how \ olling stone\ tombs worked. The artist is Hugh Claycombe who illustrated the NIV Study Bible. Wall map is 19.5\ x 26\.
Reproducible worksheets and teaching tips on back of this chart.