Matthew For Everyone Part 1 (Chapters 1-15)

by Anchor
SKU: 046962
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Each volume focuses on either one New Testament book, or splits that book into two different volumes (Matthew, John), or gathers a few Pauline letters into the same size volume. With the fresh, \everyman\ translation of Scripture, the Word itself enjoys new-found reach and depth that other translations on the market currently lack due to cultural and linguistic changes. And if the Scripture isn\'t enough for you, Tom Wright\'s incredible ability to take any portion of God\'s Word and bring it to bear on today\'s world is given full reign as he breaks each book into 50 or so sections, similar to devotional writings. And at 2 pages per section, they are just enough to get you thinking, teach you a valuable new lesson, and still leave time to pray before heading out the door.

This is a book that can be used as a sermon resource (and what a resource it is!), a daily devotional guide, or simply a new, exciting path through the New Testament. Regardless of the availability wait or the lack of preview information on this web-site, this is an order to place today!