Luther's Small Catechism With Explanation Visual Edition-2017

by Anchor
SKU: 154015
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More than a quarter of a century has passed since the Explanation to Luther’s Small Catechism was updated. During that time, society and culture have changed dramatically: our culture is increasingly diverse in worldviews and religions. Specific changes contradict Christian beliefs and values: same-sex marriage, over-the-counter abortion pills, and atheist hostility toward Christian beliefs and values—leaving many to doubt if there is such a thing as absolute truth.

With these new questions and topics facing new generations, the Synod decided that the Explanation to Luther’s Small Catechism needed to address these issues for the sake of young and old. The 2017 Explanation presents a lens to faithfully understand God’s Word in the midst of changing times—providing a practical guide for living the daily Christian life.

Learn about all three formats of the 2017 Edition of Luther\'s Small Catechism with Explanation.


Written by Martin Luther in 1529, the Small Catechism provides a brief, clear summary of God’s Word on the essentials of the Christian faith. In question-and-answer format, it explores the Six Chief Parts of Christian Doctrine and includes daily prayers, a table of duties for Christians in their various callings, and a guide for Christians as they prepare to receive Holy Communion.

An explanation designed to help readers understand and apply Luther’s Small Catechism has accompanied editions of the catechism since the early days of Lutheranism. The 2017 edition offers an updated and expanded explanation, tackling issues prevalent in our culture today. With 374 questions and 1142 Scripture references, the new Explanation provides more biblical teaching and devotional aids than ever before. The Bible text included in the Explanation is from the English Standard Version (ESV).

Learn about the changes to the Explanation.

What else is new with the updated and expanded Explanation?

The Central Thought section guides you through simple Bible study and reflection questions
A Closer Reading helps you dig deeper into the wording of Luther’s Small Catechism
Connections and Applications relates Scripture to important issues in today’s culture
Psalms, hymns, and prayers combine Scripture and catechism study with worship for devotional use
Bible narrative references, expanded notes, and quotes from Martin Luther and the Confessions delve into God’s Word
Expanded appendix provides helpful articles, reference material, and glossary to aid in personal stud