Family Faith Walks

by Anchor
SKU: 000453
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Month-by-Month on-the-go Faith Activities

*great for families with children ages 7-11

A collection of devotions and related activities for families, this book encourages parents and children to grow in faith together. Building on excursions in the neighborhood and community, games, projects and a variety of other active learning experiences, these devotions combine with Scripture verses, prayers, and discussion starters for a balanced approach to family devotional life. In addition, meditations for parents accompany the devotions to help equip them in their roles as faith mentors for their children.

Devotions are grouped by calendar year, offering 6 activities for each month plus 11 special devotions to use throughout the year. Each devotion is divided into six sections:

*God’s Grace to Us (Scripture)
*Faith Walk (family activity)
*Faith Talk (discussion questions)
*Activities to Strengthen Faith (family activities)
*Our Response to God’s Grace (prayer)
*Ponderings (adult reflection)

A chapter called “Through the Year” offers additional activities.
Appendices provide patterns for projects and tips for building family devotional time.