Walking In Your Own Shoes-Hardcover ~
The challenge to find and fulfill one’s own calling in life is perhaps our most important task... finding our own shoes to walk in—shoes that feel more and more comfortable the further we walk in them. Life is a journey, not a destination, and the path of our individuality and uniqueness in God’s sight will continue to unfold as long as we live. Why are we so inclined to walk in others’ shoes instead of our own? It’s because we don’t think we have what we need to succeed. God intends for each of us to have the resources and confidence we need to choose what to do and who to become in our lives. We may need training or information or money or advice. But those are the easy things to get compared to what holds most people back: the ability to believe that God created them, and has equipped them to be unique and significant. You and I are not left to our own devices in this life. God is big and He is present and He is able to provide everything you need to live the creative, strong, and independent life you desire.