Extreme Teen Study Bible (NKJV)

by Anchor
SKU: 394739
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The Extreme Teen Study Bible is about discovering who God is, what He's doing in the world, and what He promises for your future. Features include: - Book Introductions provide you the who, what, when, where, and why of each Bible book - Character Profiles give you the inside info about specific people who stood a head above the rest to change their world - What's It Mean? notes serve up bite-sized explanations of specific words or phrases you read that might not be as obvious today as they were in Bible times - God's Promises articles focus on the hundreds of reasons in Scripture that you can always count on Him - More than 250 Make It Real articles help you apply what you're reading to your own life - Three different Bible-Reading Plans provide you with a road map to reading God's Word - The Quick-Reference Finder is the place to turn when you need to find God's answers to your questions