Would You Like To Know God Personally? (Pack Of 25) (Pkg-25)

by Anchor
SKU: 097863
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Developed by the Campus Ministry of Cru, this best-selling version of The Four Spiritual Laws is the most-used tract by Cru staff. Package of 25 booklets. You may have someone you care about who hasn\'t yet made a decision for Christ. Maybe a relative, a friend, a neighbor, a co-worker. Perhaps you\'ve felt the Lord leading you to share the gospel with someone like this. But maybe you struggle with what to say. The reality is, regardless of what we say or don\'t say, they may not be ready to make a decision for Christ right then. But they might be in a month . . . or a year . . . or more. That\'s what\'s so special about this Know God Personally booklet. When a person can\'t remember what you said, or the steps they\'re supposed to take . . . this booklet provides everything they\'ll need to start a relationship with Jesus Christ. YOU can provide this booklet to the men and women in your world so they can grow in their faith-and make decisions for Christ.