Worthy In His Eyes

by Anchor
SKU: 099465
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Kathie lingered in front of the mirror. Visually there were no signs of damage from the car accident yet she continued to stare at her reflection with bewilderment. IT was as though a stranger was looking back at her. Within seconds her life had been drastically altered as confusion, short-term memory loss, extreme sensitivity to audible and visual stimulus, and loss of concentration placed her in an unfamiliar and foreign world. The pathway ahead was obscured. The only thing visible? A \Detour\ sign. Kathie\'s journey after acquiring a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury is personal yet her battles with frustration, failure, tears, heartache and grief are universal. However, her steadfast trust in the faithfulness of God the Father ultimately produced a surprising journey filled with promises, abundant living, a heart at peace and best of all the realization of her worth in His eyes. Simply because she is His child. Simply because she is \Kathie.\ May the content not produce hollow words but rather an astounding awareness of how precious you are to God. May you feel His presence, His power, and His peace as you journey with her through difficult valleys and glorious mountaintops. Before you reach the final page may you realize that circumstances and difficulties are no surprise to God. He has a specific purpose for every life, including yours. He will guide you, lead you and remain faithfully by your side because you are worthy in His eyes.