When Your Bad Meets His Good

by Anchor
SKU: 171137
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This book will help me change my mind]set and show me how to shift into God\'s way of thinking about the negative situations in my life. It will help me identify the ways in which I am stuck, what is keeping me stuck, and how to cooperate with God to experience the good He brings out of the difficulties I experience.

. Teaches readers how to change their perceptions regarding the bad things that happen to them
. Helps readers identify and overcome what is keeping them from moving past their pain
. Provides prayers and declarations for readers to speak over themselves and their families every day

Imagine a life in which we look at trials as a glife collegeh and learn everything we can through them. With this kind of life we get better, not bitter. Instead of seeing setbacks as personal failures or evidence of unfair treatment, we can believe God is at work to turn the situations around for our good.

This book is about shifting our perceptions so we can move forward into the new things God has for us. Everything happens for a reason, so instead of getting mad at God or blaming Him for the trials we face, letfs look at everything we experience as a means of advancement in our lives and an opportunity to watch Him work on our behalf.