When It All Falls Apart

by Anchor
SKU: 060205
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With a moving account of her own story, Riva Tims shows you how to face life’s most difficult problems and come through in victory.

Unexpected adversity can leave even the strongest believer immobilized by pain and heartache. Where do you seek help when your spouse or best friend has betrayed you? How do you move forward when financial turmoil strips you of your home and possessions? How do you cope when you receive a negative medical report? Is it possible to heal when a loved one unexpectedly dies?
Tribulation does not discriminate against ethnicity, gender, or economic status. It touches the rich business owner, political leader, pastor, professional athlete, and celebrity entertainer. Likewise, hardworking families fall victim to traumatic episodes of economic devastation, divorce, incurable illness, betrayal of friends and family, infidelity, and spiritual warfare.
Learn how to get through the \\u2019Why me?’ syndrome\ when your world is falling apart. Find out how to process the pain and walk in true forgiveness to a new and improved you. When It All Falls Apart is a valuable resource that provides specific and effective strategies to address life’s difficult challenges by giving us a road map to a better tomorrow.