When Dogmas Die

by Anchor
SKU: 030600
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t is not often that these controversial subjects in Christianity are treated with such dedicated time consuming research to cover all the details.
All the major Scriptures relevant to demoting women to second class citizenship in the Body of Christ have been discussed. Krizo carefully researched both sides of the questions, with copious quotes and references, but also researched early historical Christian views. Krizo has many quotes and references from Augustine, Chrysostom, Ignatius, Tertullian and Irenaeus and other early church fathers. This careful research alone makes this a great book to read and keep for references. I do not know of another author who has done this much sharing with the public of ancient writings. But there is so much more. Krizo has deeply considered the claims of Grudem, Piper, Ware and others who believe the body of Christ is one of authority and submission rather than mutuality and giftedness.
In spite of all Krizo\'s careful research into history, cultures, and languages the author has been careful to make it readable. Whether you are a devoted Bible Scholar or the average Christian just trying to make sense of it all, you will find this book immensely helpful.