Watchman On The Wall-Hardcover

by Anchor
SKU: 085094
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Prayer is powerful and dynamic. Faithful prayers said in God\'s will become miraculous changes in the lives of those we love.

In the book of Isaiah, God tells us about His purposeful placement of watchmen on the city walls praying tirelessly for the sake of the city (Isaiah 62:6-7). You may be a watchman for your family, friends, neighborhood, school, workplace, etc. You are the person God has standing in the gap praying for His favor on others. The Watchman on the Wall is a daily devotional book that helps you pray Scripture for those whom the LORD has laid upon your heart.

If you read the corresponding chapters of the Bible with each day’s devotional, you will read through approximately one-third of the Bible in a year. Please join us on this journey of praying the promises of God faithfully back to Him.

366 day devotional (not dated with a particular year)
Read a chapter of the Word a day
Focus verse(s)
Prayer from the scriptures from that day