The Veil

by Anchor
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This book will help me to see the character of God the way He revealed it to the author and delve deeper into the revelation of His unending kindness and impossible goodness.

“I have seen angels, demons, and other spiritual things for as long as I can remember. I see them with my eyes, not so differently from how I would see you if you were standing in front of me. For a long time I didn’t know or understand that what I had was a gift. It was as often a source of peace and wonder as it was a source of fear and confusion. Even after I learned that the things I saw were the result of a God given gift, I still struggled with how to use the things He showed me. I would see angels during every worship service I attended, but what was I supposed to do to partner with what they were doing? I would see demons perpetuating addiction and bitterness in people around me, but did seeing it mean that I was supposed to do something about it?

This is the story of how I learned to use the gift I was born with, how I learned to overcome the fear of the bad things I saw, how I learned to push past the confusion of seeing things I did not understand, and how I discovered that every single thing that I saw pointed back to the absolute and perfect love that God has for His children.“
—Blake K. Healy