The Struggle Is Real-Hardcover

by Anchor
SKU: 199807
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Do you ever have days when everything that could go wrong does go wrong? You lock your keys in the car while it\'s running, lose control with your kids, make a mistake as the office that results in hours of additional work. And just when you think not one more thing could possibly happen...well, fill in the blank.

#Thestruggleisreal, friends. Life often feel harder than we think it should be, but popular, author, counselor, and Bible teacher Nicole Unice knows firsthand that our struggles actually reveal a lot about what\'s going on underneath. In these moments, we tell ourselves stories--that we\'re doing it wrong, that we\'ll be stuck in this place forever, that God doesn\'t love us.

In The Stuggle Is Real, Nicole shows you how to write a new story for yourself through life\'s difficult moments--trusting that God offers you a path to grow stronger, smarter, and more like Jesus through it all. The struggle may be real--but it can also be good. Hardcover.