The Shepherd's Christmas Story

by Anchor
SKU: 999043
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The shepherds are significant symbols in the Christmas story. The angel of the Lord announced the Messiah\'s birth to the humblest, lowest people, and not to kings in their palaces or priests in their temples. In His humiliation, God comes to us--humble, lowly people--with His power, mercy, and grace. As fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, God comes in the flesh to us all, the highest and the lowest, and brings us forgiveness and the promise of eternal life.

This picture book employs the theme of the lowly shepherds and their response to the angel\'s message to show how Christ works in our lives. It portrays shepherds as nomadic people who helped spread the Gospel message. Imagery includes the 23rd Psalm, Jesus as our Good Shepherd, and Jesus as the Lamb of God.