Straight Talk To Men (Repack)

by Anchor
SKU: 103862
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God’s job description for men! In this classic work on the biblical roles and responsibilities of a man, Dr. James Dobson shares timeless wisdom you can use as a husband and father. A deeper understanding of God’s perspective on manhood will help you provide stability and leadership in your home—and ultimately enjoy these benefits of a family that pleases God:

A God-given sense of your purpose in the home
A clear understanding of masculinity in today’s world
A wife who feels supported and loved
Children who know God and feel good about themselves
A solid system of family finances
Meaningful times of togetherness and mutual encouragement

Straight Talk to Men is a clear-headed, trustworthy resource that belongs on every man’s bookshelf. (This new edition is part of Dr. James Dobson’s Building A Family Legacy initiative.)