Span-Victims Of Victims (Victima De Victimas)

by Anchor
SKU: 091566
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Este es el s?ptimo libro del reconocido psic?logo David Sol?, autor, entre otros ?xitos, de Educar sin maltratar, del que se han vendido m?s de diez mil ejemplares. Esta obra es un manual pr?ctico para conocer la Terapia Sist?mica Transgeneracional, m?s conocida como Constelaciones Familiares. Es una obra que esperan con mucho inter?s los psic?logos y terapeutas hispanohablantes, pues es el primer manual de este estilo en espa?ol.This is the seventh book from renowned psychologist David Sol?. He is the author of the bestseller Educar sin maltratar, which sold more than 10,000 copies. This book is a practical guide to Transgenerational Systemic Therapy, better known as Family Constellations. It is a book that Spanish-speaking psychologists and therapists have been expecting with great interest, given that it is the first guide of its kind in Spanish.