SPAN-Audio CD-Hymns: A Portrait Of Christ

by Anchor
SKU: 787703
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01. Santo Santo Santo (Holy Holy Holy)
02. Medley Del Espiritu (Spirit Medley)
03. El Senor Resucito (Christ The Lord Is Risen Today)
04. Padre Nuestro (The Lord\'s Prayer)
05. Maravilloso Es El Gran Amor (And Can It Be)
06. Cuan Grande Es El (How Great Thou Art)
07. Grande Es Tu Fidelidad (Great Is Thy Faithfulness)
08. Medley De Alabanza (Praise Medley)
09. Medley Del Cristo (Savior Medley)
10. Sublime Gracia (Amazing Grace)
Hymns are the foundation of music in the church. For many of us, they hold a special place in our hearts. Steve Green is no exception.

“Hymns have been part of my life as long as I can remember. I see them as a rich inheritance passed down to us from those who have loved and worshipped our Lord.” – Steve Green

One of Steve\'s unique blessings is a heart for Spanish speaking cultures. Born in the United States but raised in Argentina by his church planting missionary parents until age 18, he still heeds the international ministry call to Latin America and beyond.

\It\'s my responsibility to use the gifts God has entrusted to me,\ Green says. \If I am a communicator through music, and my mission is to plant seeds of revival, then I am to go where I am equipped to go.\