Setting Boundaries With Negative Thoughts And Painful Memories

by Anchor
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Find Lasting Freedom from Past Emotional Pain If you wait long enough, difficult and traumatic experiences from your past will go away on their own...right? Except they won\'\'t. Time doesn\'\'t heal all wounds. Instead, we hoard our hurts. We rehash our sorrows and wonder how they could have been prevented. This keeps us from making brand-new memories and embracing the richer life we crave. Now is the time for setting healthy boundaries with the past. Allison Bottke will help you...tame the triggers that stir painful memories by replacing negative thoughts with biblical hoperelease the suffocating secrets that hold you back and give your relationships room to growtake six simple S.A.N.I.T.Y. steps to find peace in the midst of emotional chaos Don\'\'t let the past dictate your present feelings. Follow this achievable advice and discover the freedom your captive heart desperately needs.