
by Anchor
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Two words from Jesus change everything

If anyone had the ability to succeed as a committed Christian as well as a high-achieving American, it was Hilary Alan. She and her husband, Curt, had a beautiful home, a fast-track career, and talented, successful children. But in the midst of their comfortable life and active church involvement, they realized they rarely heard from God.

Sent tells the story of ordinary Christians who accepted two words from Jesus at face value and found that it changed everything. In Jesus’s call to “follow me,” the Alans discovered answers to the most pressing human needs: meaning, purpose, vocation, significance, and God’s plan for the future. For the Alans, it meant selling nearly all their belongings and moving with their children half-way around the world. For you, the particulars will be completely different, but no less significant.
As you follow Hilary Alan’s journey in response to Jesus’s call to discipleship, you will see how a life of comfortable Christianity gets in the way of following God. And you will no longer wonder if you’re investing your life in the best way possible, because two words from Jesus change everything.
HILARY ALAN, a former public relations professional, is a wife and mother of two children. Hilary and her family moved to Southeast Asia in the aftermath of a tsunami that destroyed villages, homes, businesses, and hundreds of thousands of lives. Today, the Alans continue to advance the work of Christ internationally in their involvement with a church in North Carolina as they prepare for another overseas assignment.