
by Anchor
SKU: 999265
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Dr. David Chambers is a biblical archeologist of some fame and held in high regard by his peers. But what began as an effort to prove authenticity of the biblical narrative has become a burden. Angry at a father who was too busy to attend his mother\'s death bed, and years later abandoned by the love of his life, Chambers has grown disenchanted, unbelieving and is ready to toss expertise aside to pursue a new field of study .That changes when his old mentor and one of the few men he respects calls and persuades him to make one more dig--one that would bring great wealth to everyone involved. Using his specialized knowledge in ancient tunnels beneath Jerusalem and the enigmatic message of the Copper Scroll, Chambers under takes what he assumes will be his last research trip in the Holy Land. What he discovers not only changes his life, but the thinking of the world. It also ushers in the End Times.