Rob Bell And A New American Christianity

by Anchor
SKU: 508448
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Some claim controversial leader Rob Bell, the author of Love Wins, is the new voice of American Christianity. While long-established church traditions and alliances shift and fray, Rob Bell is catching the attention of broad groups of evangelicals, liberals and the disillusioned. Some leaders claim he represents the future of the church in both message and style, while others dismiss him outright as a heretic.

Who is Rob Bell, exactly? Is he as important as his appearance on Time magazine suggests? Is he the main influence on a new generation of America Christians, as some claim? Is he, as others suggest, simply a hipster megachurch pastor with good marketing skills? If so, why does popular culture give him so much attention?

This important new study by James K. Wellman, Jr. sheds light on Rob Bell\'s emotional power and looks beyond a personality to the dynamics of this important, shifting time in American religion.