Raising Your Kids To Love The Lord (Repack)

by Anchor
SKU: 124613
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Practical life lessons, real-life stories, and Scriptural truths for being the family that glorifies God.??Raising Your Kids to Love the Lord?is the first of three books in the Faithful Families series where Pastor Dave Stone?applies?a practical, conversational, and humorous approach to the challenge of building a strong spiritual foundation for the family.?Topics?include: Authenticity, Discipline, Modeling Godly Principles, Sharing the Load, and more.?Preaching is his gift, but Pastor Dave Stone?s family is his life?s blessing. While raising three kids with his wife, Beth,?as well as shepherding the diverse families of his congregation, his heart, and passion for building strong families rings louder than ever. He knows that raising faithful families is a key to the future of the church.??The world needs more people like Dave Stone. He is an astounding communicator, tremendous minister, terrific dad, and a dear friend. He writes from a wellspring of experience and character. Read this book! You will be glad you did.? ?Max Lucado