Paul's Journey (One In Christ Bible Story Book)

by Anchor
SKU: 172634
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This classic Arch® Book is about the Apostle Paul and his missionary travels, found in selections from Acts 13 through 28.

Paul had a burning zeal to spread the good news that God sent His Son, Jesus, to suffer, die, and rise again to take away our sins. He knew from experience just how wonderful that message was, and was excited to travel to city after city to share it. Each time he shared the Gospel, he left behind small groups of believers that continued to grow until the entire Roman Empire was filled with Christians.

In Paul\'s day, there were only a handful of missionaries. Today, thousands of men and women serve as missionaries. Share this excitement with children as you encourage them to learn about Paul\'s Journeys and what it means to be a missionary.

About Arch Books
The Arch® Book series tells popular Bible stories through fun-to-read rhymes and bright illustrations. This well-loved series captures the attention of children, telling scripturally sound stories that are enjoyable and easy to remember.