Men After God's Own Heart

by Anchor
SKU: 190673
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God is very much interested in man. He is seeking to obtain the man after His own heart. Indeed, He is determined to provide for His only begotten Son a counterpart in man. And in relation to that end and purpose, there is to be found depicted in the Bible\'s very first book the biographies of especially eight different persons; and in each one of these eight individuals God has worked into him one special quality or characteristic of His beloved Son Jesus Christ. By combining these particular eight qualities together, there emerges the man after God\'s heart whom He shall give to His Son as the Beloved\'s counterpart. For by putting these eight characteristics or qualities together, the result shall be the Bride of the Lamb of God. Now these eight individuals and their differing qualities or characteristics are as follows: Adam and the Tree of Lifeeven the life of God (in Christ), Abel and his sacrifice: a lamb, Enoch\'s walking with God into heaven, Noah\'s ark of abiding (in Christ),