Matter-Its Properties And Changes Student Journal

by Anchor
SKU: 605594
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Product Description
This exciting series is built around three components: good science, creation apologetics, and Bible references.
Science is a great area to teach, because children have a natural curiosity about the world. They want to know why and how things work, what things are made of, and where they came from. The trick is to tap into their curiosity so they want to find answers.

Many elementary level science lessons begin with definitions and scientific explanations, followed by an activity. A more effective method is to reverse this order and begin with an activity whenever possible, and the lessons found in these books begin with an investigation, followed by scientific explanations and opportunities to apply the knowledge to other situations.

In addition to the investigations, there are sections on creation apologetics, written mostly in narrative forms; connections to Bible references, on-your-own challenges; pause and think questions; projects and contests; and historical stories about scientists and engineers. These sections encourage students to think more critically, to put scientific ideas into perspective, to learn more about how science works, to gain some expertise in a few areas, and to become more grounded in their faith in the Bible.

The Student Journal is designed as not only an interactive platform for recording the results of the activities in the main book - but also provides additional information, important reinforcement for key concepts, and comprehensive skill tests.