Master Books-Science Starters: Elementary General Science & Astronomy Set

by Anchor
SKU: 094969
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Elementary General Science & Astronomy from the Investigate the Possibilities Series come alive through experiments that demonstrate science principles, while affirming a biblical worldview. Even middle school students will enjoy the program if you teach multi-age students together. This one-year curriculum gives easy-to-understand explanations and descriptions of scientific processes and then provides an activity using household items that applies the scientific knowledge they are learning. The included Parent Lesson Plan includes quiz and testing materials for both younger and older students!

Science Starters: Physical and Earth Science

Course Description

This is the suggested course sequence that allows one core area of science to be studied per semester. You can change the sequence of the semesters per the needs or interests of your student; materials for each semester are independent of one another to allow flexibility.

Semester 1: General Science

Investigate the Possibilities Elementary General Science - Water & Weather From the Flood to Forecasts:

Learn about zones in the ocean, from warm, clear water to the deepest, coldest places. Find out the facts about the weather cycle, earth’s purification system, weather instruments, and more! Discover the important connection between water and fossils—how this helped to form, alter, and reveal them. Study not only the weather and varying climates around the world, but also explore the results of weather events in the past. The great Flood was a cataclysmic event that left behind fossils, and these impressions reveal much about what happened during and after this historical event. Form a connection between this biblical history and the world experienced outside your door as natural processes like rain and wind are shown to be forces at work in the environment!

Semester 2: Astronomy

Investigate the Possibilities Elementary Astronomy - The Universe From Comets to Constellations:

How big is the solar system? How big is the universe? Can we make a model to help us understand God’s wonderful creation? These and other questions are answered through a fun and investigative process created just for upper elementary students! Through simple experiments and fact-finding problems, this astronomy curriculum brings to light God’s design of this massive and intricate universe. Students will read about the historical discoveries of great scientists of the past like Kepler, Galileo, and Newton, and how their words impact us today. They will explore astronomy from the first observations of space, the creation of the telescope, the history of flight, and more. Students are encouraged in their faith as they become engaged in the scientific process through activities using inexpensive, everyday household items that bring science to life.